花より男子の続きを小説で・・・ 私は、花より男子のものすごいファンです。 今ドラマでやってますよね。キャスティングはつくしとつくし家族以外、微妙だと思っているのです...
花より男子のDVD・・・ 私は花より男子2のDVDを買おうと思っています。 初回特典が欲しいのですが、あれって予約とか発売日までにカートに入れなきゃいけないんですか??? 教えて...
花より男子で花沢 類が着用しているブランド教えてください!![健康、美容とファッション>ファッション>メンズ全般]
花より男子で花沢 類が着用しているブランド教えてください!!
花より男子ファイナルはパンフレットとは別にフォトブックがあるのでしょうか? [エンターテインメントと趣味>映画]
花より男子ファイナルはパンフレットとは別にフォトブックがあるのでしょうか? 内容はどのように違うのでしょうか? 購入したかた、みなさまの感想がききたいです。 どんなことでもいいので、よろしくお願いします。
花より男子 LOVE SONGのPVにどうかお幸せに~
Boys over Flowers ep 21 9' preview [Eng Sub]omg i can't wait!! Here's the english sub. JK-How do I look? JD-You look pretty... Really pretty.. JK-My mom gave me this dress. She said it's over 20 years old, but it's still quite usable right? I am just going to wear this dress for the wedding.. Oh do you want to see this too? My mom's not giving me the pearl necklace until I have my first child. Isn't my mom thinking too fast into the future? Anyways, doesn't it sound funny? Jaekyung and Junphyo's child? Jandi, I have a favor for you. JD-What is it? JK-Promise me first that you will do it for me. JD-(nods) JK-Be my bridesmaid JD-what? JK-My bridesmaid has to be you. It can't be anyone else. You will do it, right? -------------------------------------- YJ-what are you going to do? JP-I am not sure. It's all messed up in my head. What can I do? JH-You have to find your answer. You must find your answer by yourself. YB-The obvious answer would have been getting married. But how did we change into guys who have to think over this? JP-(Screams and leaves the room) YB-Anyways.. I guess we have to be groomsmaid ------------------------------------------------------- YJ-Isn't the situation too serious and urgent for you to be playing in the the flowers? GE-At this age, how can he get married? It doesn't seem real. YJ-In our world, it's not that shocking. GE-Are you just accepting this kind of future for yourself too? YJ-Well. I don't know.. This or that future doesn't seem that different to me. GE-How can you be so <b>...</b>
花より男子2 (リターンズ) [DVD]価格:¥ 23,940